Affiliation FAQs
Do any of the forms require payment informaton?
No. Payment is a separate process.
Can I pay before the RHA/NRHH forms are completed?
Yes, you can pay once you have received an invoice. However, affiliation will not be complete until all necessary forms have been completed.
Is there a fee to pay online with credit card?
No, there is no credit card fee.
How do I get pins that come with affiliation?
The only pins offered this year are to new NRHH chapters. New NRHH chapters are emailed a coupon to use on the NACURH store for 5 New Member pins. If you do not receive your coupon after your Institutional form has been approved, please contact us at
How do I apply my coupon in the store?
Go to view your cart and checkout. On the left side of the screen, underneath your cart is a "Redeem your coupon" option.
When will my merchandise be shipped?
Orders will only be shipped if payment has been completed. With affiliation season happening, expect your order to be shipped in less than 2 weeks. Thank you for your patience as students are running the NACURH Corporate Office.
More questions?
Affiliation forms questions -
Invoicing questions -
Checks and promissory note inquiries -
Storefront or merchandise questions -